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ePortal API

You may need to create a separate ePortal account for API usage with:

kc.eportal user -a api-user -p <password>

It can be useful for SSO/LDAP setups to be able to pass HTTP API credentials via basic auth.

Starting with version 2.14-1, an API key can be used for authentication as an alternative to basic authentication. First, you need to generate an API token using ePortal admin UI. Then you can put it in the X-Api-Key http header. In this case the Authorization header is no longer needed. If for some reason the "X-Api-Key" header doesn't work for you, you can define your own header name in the API_AUTH_HEADER setting in eportal.conf.

In general ePortal API is configuration management friendly and idempotent. You don't need to make additional request to check existing state. For example entity deletion doesn't raise an error in case there is no such entity. Or entity creation/modification is a single request that just works and simply brings desired final state.

List servers

GET /admin/api/servers

Filters servers on various criteria, iterate through list and get server counts.

Requires basic authorization with read only user permissions.

Query string parameters:

  • hostname: String, optional. Return servers with a hostname like value. Value can contain % placeholder to match any string.
  • ip: String, optional. Return servers with IP like value. Value can contain % placeholder to match any string.
  • service_id: String, optional. Return a single server with the service ID equal to the provided value.
  • feed: String, optional. Return servers attached to feed. Use main for default feed.
  • key: String, optional. Return servers registered to key.
  • registered_age: Integer, optional. Return servers registered more than registered_age days ago. If registered_age is negative then return servers registered less or equal -registered_age days ago. For example: registered_age=-3 means to return servers registered 3 or less days ago. Hours can be specified by adding h suffix: registered_age=4h selects servers registered more than 4 hours ago.
  • checkin_age: Integer, optional. Return servers sent check-in more than checkin_age days ago. For negative values see registered_age.
  • updated_age: Integer, optional. Return servers loaded patches more than updated_age days ago. For negative values see registered_age.
  • is_updated: Boolean, optional. If true then return servers updated to latest available patches. If false return servers without latest patches.
  • limit: Integer, optional. Limit result to a specified number of entries. By default limit is 10.
  • offset: Integer, optional. Set result to a specified offset. limit and offset can be used to iterate through result.
  • only_count: Boolean, optional. Return server count only.
  • tag: String, optional. Adds filter by server tag. E.g tag=env:test or tag=ubuntu.


    "count": 42,
    "limit": 10,
    "offset": 0,
    "result": [
            "id": "99c97tz44uKX13b5",
            "ip": "",
            "hostname": "localhost.localdomain",
            "key": "some-key",
            "feed": "main",
            "registered": "2021-04-08 16:43:23.907671",
            "checkin": "2021-07-12 17:35:56.065077",
            "updated": "2021-06-01 16:37:03.000000",
            "euname": "3.10.0-1160.25.1.el7",        // effective kernel version
            "release": "3.10.0-957.5.1.el7.x86_64",  // installed kernel version
            "kernel_id": "9647204d2708cad906a75944ee56ac68fc5b5704",
            "patch_level": 49,
            "patch_type": "default",
            "tags": null,
            "uptime": 6394092,
            "version": "#1 SMP Fri Feb 1 14:54:57 UTC 2019",
            "virt": "kvm",
            "kcare_version": "2.44-2",
            "distro": "CentOS Linux",
            "distro_version": "7.6.1810",
            "machine": "x86_64",
            "processor": "x86_64"

Register host

POST /admin/api/register

Registers host by provided key and hostname.

Form (urlencoded) parameters:

  • key: String, required. ePortal key to use for registration.
  • hostname: String, optional. Server's hostname to use.

Success response (200):

    "server_id": "some-server-id"

Error response (400):

    "error": "error code" # invalid-key | key-limit-reached


curl -X POST -F key=test

Unregister host

POST /admin/api/delete_server

Removes registered servers by IP, hostname or server_id

Requires basic authorization with admin user permissions.

Query string parameters:

  • hostname: String, optional. Server's hostname to delete.
  • ip: String, optional. Server's IP to delete.
  • server_id: String, optional. Server's id to delete.

Endpoint requires at least one parameter hostname, ip or server_id.


Response contains number of deleted servers.

    "result": 1

For example:

curl --user admin:admin-password -X POST

Below are examples of using /admin/api/delete_server endpoint with various CM products. Take note, you need a host IP, a hostname or a server_id to delete it via API. It can be more convenient to use on of:

  • if you have an access to a host (it is alive) it's a way more simpler to call kcarectl --unregister to delete the host.
  • if host is already destroyed you can consider using bulk inactive server cleanup.

Bulk unregister hosts

DELETE /admin/api/servers

Removes registered servers by the latest check-in age.

Requires basic authorization with admin user permissions.

Query string parameters:

  • checkin_age: Integer, required, greater or equal 1. Delete servers that sent latest check-in more than checkin_age days ago.


Response contains number of deleted servers.

    "result": 1200

For example:

curl --user admin:admin-password -X DELETE

Create/modify feed

POST /admin/api/feeds/

If feed already exists request modifies it.

Requires write permissions and accepts basic authorization.

Query string/Form/JSON parameters:

  • name: String, required. Name of created or modified feed.
  • auto: Boolean, optional. Sets auto-update property. Default is false.
  • deploy_after: Integer, optional. Sets delayed period in hours. Default is 0 (not delayed).
  • channel: String, optional. Sets patchset channel to use. Default is default. Available channels:
    • default: stable patches.
    • test: testing patches.


  "result": {
    "name": "test-feed",
    "auto": true,
    "deploy_after": 0


curl -X POST -u admin -d name=test-feed -d auto=true

List feeds

GET /admin/api/feeds/

Returns list of existing feeds. Take note: main feed is alway present and couldn't be modified.

Requires read permissions and accepts basic authorization.


  "result": [
      "auto": false,
      "deploy_after": 0,
      "name": "feed-name"


curl -u admin

Delete feed

DELETE /admin/api/feeds/:feed-name

Requires write permissions and accepts basic authorization.


  "result": 1  // number of deleted records, 0 if there is no such feed.


curl -X DELETE -u admin

Create/modify registration key

POST /admin/api/keys/

If key already exists request modifies it.

Requires write permissions and accepts basic authorization.

Query string/Form/JSON parameters:

  • key: String, optional. Name of created or modified key. If it's empty random key is generated.
  • feed: String, optional. Name of attached feed. main by default.
  • note: String, optional. Description of the key.
  • server_limit: Integer, optional. Advisory limit of a maximum number of hosts one can register on the key.


  "result": {
    "key": "key",
    "feed": "feed-name",
    "note": "some-note",
    "server_limit": 0


curl -X POST -u admin -d key=test-key -d feed=test-feed

List keys

GET /admin/api/keys/

Returns list of existing keys.

Requires read permissions and accepts basic authorization.


  "result": [
      "key": "test",
      "feed": "main",
      "note": null,
      "server_limit": 0


curl -u admin

Delete key

DELETE /admin/api/keys/:key

Requires write permissions and accepts basic authorization.


  "result": 1  // number of deleted records, 0 if there is no such key.


curl -X DELETE -u admin

List patchsets

GET /admin/api/patchsets/

Endpoint lists available patchsets for a feed and product. Sort order is from oldest to newest patchsets.

Requires read permissions and accepts basic authorization.

Query string parameters:

  • feed: String, optional. Name of the feed to list patchsets for. main by default.
  • product: String, optional. Possible values are: kernel, user, qemu, db. Selects a patchstore for a specified product. kernel by default.


  "result": [
      "patchset": "patchset-name",
      "status": "enabled" // possible values are: enabled, disabled, not-downloaded, undeployed


curl -u admin ''

Manage patchsets

POST /admin/api/patchsets/manage

Allows to perform deploy actions on the patchsets.

Requires write permissions and accepts basic authorization.

Query string parameters:

  • patchset: String, required. Name of the patchset to operate on.
  • feed: String, required. Name of the feed to operate on. Can be specified multiple times.
  • action: String, requred. Operartion to perform:
    • enable: enable specified patchset.
    • disable: disable specified patchset.
    • enable-upto: enable all patchset up to (older than) specified.
    • undeploy-downto: undeploy all patchsets down to (newer than) specified.
  • product: String, optional. Possible values are: kernel, user, qemu, db. Selects a patchstore for a specified product. kernel by default.


  "result": "ok"


Enable libcare patchset U20200506_01 in main and test-feed feeds:

curl -X POST -u admin ''

List users

GET /admin/api/users/

Returns list of existing users.

Requires read permissions and accepts basic authorization.


  "result": [
      "id": 1,
      "username": "test",
      "description": "test user",
      "readonly": false


curl -u admin

Set tags

POST /admin/api/set_tags

Allows assign tags to server

Requires write permissions and accepts basic authorization.

Query string parameters:

  • server_id: String, required. ID of the server to attach tags.
  • tags: String, optional. String with semicolon divided tags. If the parameter is not presented, all tags will be removed

These parameters can also be provided in the JSON body with the header Content-Type: application/json


  "result": "ok"


Assign tags test and stage to server with id test-centos

curl -X POST -u admin ';stage'

Configuration manager integration

Ansible playbook

Integrating ePortal API access with Ansible is now possible. Rather than calling the kernelcare agent to perform tasks, it is possible to replace it with direct calls to ePortal to achieve the same results.

Unregister KernelCare agent through API playbook:

- hosts: kernelcare
    eportal_srv:[:port if needed]

    - name: unregister kernelcare agent through API
        url: "{{ eportal_srv }}/admin/api/delete_server?ip={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address|default(ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[0]) }}"
        method: POST
        user: your-api-user
        password: your-api-user-password
        force_basic_auth: yes


- hosts: kernelcare

    - name: unregister kernelcare agent through API
        url: "{{ eportal_srv }}/admin/api/delete_server?ip={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address|default(ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[0]) }}"
        method: POST
        user: api-user
        password: dummy
        force_basic_auth: yes

Ad hoc run with:

ansible-playbook -u ansible  ./kernelcare.yml

This can be called during machine tear down to properly remove the server from ePortal.

Chef recipe

Having tighter integration with automation tools like Chef has always been a goal for KernelCare and related tools like ePortal. The following recipe demonstrates how to use the delete_server api to correctly remove a server from ePortal during tear down, and can be integrated with your other recipes to avoid manual operations.

Unregister KernelCare agent through API recipe:

eportal_url = "EPORTAL URL"
eportal_user = "EPORTAL API USER NAME"
eportal_password = "EPORTAL API USER PASSWORD"

# the ip to unregister can be pulled automatically from the system where the recipe is applied, or specified manually (by replacing the following line with a simple assignment)
ip_to_unregister = "#{node['network']['interfaces'][node['network']['default_interface']]['addresses'].select{|k,v| v['family'] == "inet"}.keys.first}"

http_request "kernelcare-unregister-api" do
  url "#{eportal_url}/admin/api/delete_server?ip=#{ip_to_unregister}"
  action :post
  headers({'AUTHORIZATION' => "Basic #{

Example (kernelcare-unregister-api.rb):

eportal_url = ""
eportal_user = "api-user"
eportal_password = "dummy"

ip_to_unregister = "#{node['network']['interfaces'][node['network']['default_interface']]['addresses'].select{|k,v| v['family'] == "inet"}.keys.first}"

http_request "kernelcare-unregister-api" do
  url "#{eportal_url}/admin/api/delete_server?ip=#{ip_to_unregister}"
  action :post
  headers({'AUTHORIZATION' => "Basic #{

Ad hoc run with:

chef-apply kernelcare-unregister-api.rb


Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
  * http_request[kernelcare-unregister-api] action post
    - http_request[kernelcare-unregister-api] POST to

This can be called during machine tear down to properly remove the server from ePortal.

Puppet task

Puppet provides the framework to run tasks on target systems. The following is a bash script that can run as such a task and demonstrates how to use the delete_server api to correctly remove a server from ePortal during tear down. It can be integrated with your other removal scripts or tasks to avoid manual operations.

Unregister KernelCare agent through API call:


EPORTAL_API_USERNAME=<your ePortal api user name>
EPORTAL_API_PASSWORD=<your ePortal api user password>
EPORTAL_URL='your ePortal URL'

#this is taken from the primary ip in the system. If awk is available, it is used, but a fallback using other common tools is also provided
if hash awk 2>/dev/null; then
        IP_TO_UNREGISTER=`ip route get 1 | awk '{print $(NF-2);exit}'`     # using awk
        IP_TO_UNREGISTER=`ip route get 1 | cut -f 3 -d" "| head -1`        # simpler alternative for when awk is not available

curl -kL -u "${EPORTAL_API_PASSWORD}"':'"${EPORTAL_API_PASSWORD}" -X POST "${EPORTAL_URL}"'/admin/api/delete_server?ip='"${IP_TO_UNREGISTER}"

Example (



#this is taken from the primary ip in the system. If you want to pick a different one, adjust the next line.
if hash awk 2>/dev/null; then
        IP_TO_UNREGISTER=`ip route get 1 | awk '{print $(NF-2);exit}'`     # using awk
        IP_TO_UNREGISTER=`ip route get 1 | cut -f 3 -d" "| head -1`        # simpler alternative for when awk is not available

curl -kL -u "${EPORTAL_API_PASSWORD}"':'"${EPORTAL_API_PASSWORD}" -X POST "${EPORTAL_URL}"'/admin/api/delete_server?ip='"${IP_TO_UNREGISTER}"

Puppet Plan

If you prefer to have a plan rather than a task, then you can create one from this script with the following steps:

  • Create a new directory called eportal_puppet
  • Inside this directory, create a bolt project:
    bolt project init
  • Create a scripts directory inside it
  • Place the script above inside of it (call it
  • Create the bolt plan using:
    bolt plan new eportal_puppet::unregister_server --script eportal_puppet/scripts/
  • Now your plan is ready and can be called directly with:
    bolt plan run eportal_puppet:unregister_server -t <TARGETS>

Ad hoc run example with:

bolt plan run eportal_puppet::unregister_server -t

This can be called during machine tear down to properly remove the server from ePortal.